covid-19With the growing concerns related to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, IRMCO wishes to extend its well wishes for health and safety to all our business partners and customers around the world. We assure you that we have made careful preparations to ensure uninterrupted availability of the materials needed to provide you all the products you’ve depended on to make your daily operations as productive and steady as possible.

We work extraordinarily close with our suppliers and their distribution networks to ensure your production moves as seamlessly as possible. While some global shipping routes have been slightly impacted by worker shortages and quarantines, we continue to move forward and have taken preparations to safeguard our customers.

As with most things, careful preparation and caution in challenging times usually affords the needed protection and allows everyone to pull-through. IRMCO has weathered the past 100 plus years of manufacturing, economic and global crises with our valued customers and we’re committed to see things through until the recent crisis resolves.

In the meantime; to our friends, partners and colleagues – please take the necessary hygiene and travel precautions to ensure the greatest degree of safety to yourselves and to those around you. We’re all in this together, and together, we’ll make it through.

Wishing you all continued health, safety and uninterrupted productivity.

The IRMCO Family

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