Low Temperature Removable Lubricant

Low temperature cleaning is a great way to advance ISO 14001 goals and compliance and to reduce production costs. The greatest concern, though, is maintaining part cleanliness through the lower temperature cleaning and coating processes – especially where transitional metal coatings are concerned. When switching to lower temperature applications, one should give close consideration to the lubricants used on their stamping presses.
Oil-based or oil-containing stamping fluids load pre-wash and cleaner stages differently than oil-free lubricants. Oil removed from the surface will either emulsify or float in these stages which typically requires greater overflow of pre-wash stages or can result in shortened cleaner bath life. Emulsifiable oil lubricants emulsify into cleaner baths and can contribute to sludge formation which can plug or interfere with heating elements, increasing maintenance and wear on systems. Straight oil lubricants either need to be skimmed or overflowed out of process stages or run the risk of redepositing on part surfaces. Oil-free IRMCO FLUIDS® can help eliminate these potential issues and provide more consistent and extended cleaner bath operations.
IRMCO FLUIDS® regularly meet and exceed the stamping demands oil-based products are used for, but their synthetic and water- based chemistries allow for lower temperature removal – even of residues from welded seams. IRMCO FLUIDS® do not contribute to the heavier loading and sediment of cleaner baths that oil-based products do – minimizing impact on heating elements, pumps, risers and nozzles. This provides for a more stable and consistent process and conserves energy and water.
If you’re looking to move to lower temperature processes in your facility, closely consider what you’re making your parts with. It could be the missing link in maximizing your efficiencies and helping reach your ISO 14001 reduction goals.
To learn more about IRMCO® stamping lubricants and how we can help you reach your goals, contact your local IRMCO® representative, or call 800-323-2933.