Muffler Baffle Case Study

Project Scope
Replace competitive, chlorinated paraffin (CP) -based, emulsifiable oil stamping fluid with an oil-free alternative while maintaining tool life and part quality.

IRMCO replaced the CP-containing, emulsifiable oil with an oil-free stamping lubricant and reduced cleaning & disposal costs.


  • Replaced chlorinated paraffin (CP)- containing, emulsifiable oil stamping lubricant.
  • Produced equivalent quality parts & tool life.
  • Cleaner parts – easier to inspect for quality.
  • Secondary cleaning applications almost completely eliminated – reducing energy & water consumption.

409 stainless steel coil – .045-.050” (1.14-1.27mm) thickness.

Product Used
IRMCO FLUIDS® 146-692 @ 9:1 dilution ratio (10%).

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