Not All Are “The SAME”

Not All Are Few statements are as maddening as “it doesn’t matter what stamping lubricant I use—they’re all the same”. Point in fact—all stamping lubricants are not the same. Not all lubricants protect tooling the same or are easy to remove. Not all lubricants are as safe for operators or for the environment as other options are. Just because your stamping lubricant works extremely well on a particular application or metal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice for another part or metal either. How do you navigate your way through finding the right product for your conditions? After all…not all stampers are the same—right?

Just as all stamping fluids are not the same—neither are all lubricant manufacturers. Is your supplier selling you the lubricant that is right for their needs—or yours? Is your stamping lubricant a “Band Aid ®” for one or more applications in your plant? Are you using too much fluid volume in your application? Is the lubricant you’re using resulting in more scrap or rework—more downtime due to shortened die life? These are the tangibles that can often go unnoticed when the lubricant being used is not the right lubricant for the process. To prevent these issues from developing or worsening, you need a supplier and partner that shares your objectives—the right lubricant—used the right way—to get the right results.

IRMCO® has not only been a pioneer in the development and application of oil-free, synthetic stamping fluids—but also a champion of minimal application techniques—producing better parts, preserving tool life and maximizing your productivity and profits.

To experience what its like to not only have a supplier—but a true business partner—contact IRMCO at 800-323-2933 or to see the difference. You’ll never settle for “the same” again.


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