Automotive Stamping Lubricant



Automotive Stamping Lubricant

Industry: Automotive

Components: Seating Bracket

Material: AHSS

Fluid Technology: IRMCO FLUIDS® 323-M80 AMD IRMCO FLUIDS® 146-492

Number of parts trialed: 3,000


Client Objective

Company directive -reduce automotive seating bracket lubricant usage and improve housekeeping issues.

Excessive lubricant was contaminating floors, work surfaces and employees.

Also to reduce costs associated with lubricant removal and lubricant dripping from automotive seating bracket parts to floor and press pit.

Improvements Achieved

  • By utilizing an IRMCO® synthetic lubricant, total lubricant usage was reduced by 66%.
  • Housekeeping costs were reduced by 75%.
  • Automotive seating bracket part rejects from excess lubricant were eliminated.
  • Cleanup requirements for the floor and press pit were reduced from drier bolsters and tools.

Business Value

  • The reduction in lubricant usage resulted in more than $110,000 in annual savings.
  • Reduction in required mats and floor rags resulted in more than $10,000 in annual savings.
  • Reduction in glove usage is more than 50% as proper lubrication application resulted in significant reduction in carry off.