Concentration vs. Volume: Pooling & Residues

Pooling & ResiduesThe last issue to consider in relation to low concentration, high volume lubricant application is to types of residues left behind on parts and fixtures. The high volumes associated with flood application of lubricant solutions lends itself to greater pooling in parts which impacts welding, cleaning and handling of parts.

Higher fluid volumes means parts in storage are wet longer. In the case of water extendible fluids—this translates to greater potential for staining, heavier residues at part contact points and higher humidity in parts storage due to evaporation within confined packing spaces.

Drenched parts foul welding tips and fixtures more quickly—increasing the need for preventative maintenance and potentially shortening the life cycles of welding equipment. Air filters for fumes created in welding cells may clog more quickly or build-up with deposits that can increase fire hazard.

Higher volumes of solution left on parts can lead to more tenacious residues that impact pretreatment processes negatively. Not only does the increased amount of fluid load cleaner baths more quickly, but heavier residues may not be fully removed through standard cleaning parameters—leading to either increased chemical costs or increased energy cost associated with raising cleaner concentration or bath temperatures.

Lower volume, optimized stamping lubricant concentrations minimize the impact on welding and pretreatment processes—providing the most consistent production process. The right amount of lubricant, applied properly where needed benefits every department in manufacturing. This isn’t just “good practice” – it’s “the IRMCO way”.