Industrial Tube Bending Lubricants



Industrial Tube Bending Lubricants

Industry: Automotive

Components: Tube Bending

Material: 409 Stainless Steel

Fluid Technology: IRMCO GEL® 980-000

Number of parts trialed: 5,000


Client Objective

Reduce lubricant usage – too much lubricant was being used and wasted on the floor and around the bender.

Improve automotive tube bending parts cleaning – energy and chemical costs for cleaning was unnecessarily high.

Improve automotive tube bending tool life – to reduce costs and improve uptime.

Improvements Achieved

  • By replacing a pigmented paste with IRMCO GEL® and with controlled application, automotive tube bending lubricant consumption was reduced by 50%
  • IRMCO GEL® was removed with a plain water first stage reducing cleaning costs
  • IRMCO GEL® provided a controlled and consistent barrier on the tooling, increasing mandrel ball and wiper die life.

Business Value

  • The reduction in automotive tube bending lubricant usage resulted in more than $30K in annual savings
  • Reduction in washer disposal volume saved $25K
  • Tooling life for the mandrel ball and wiper die increased on an average of 25%