CSS Oil Pan Case Study

Project Scope
Replace chlorinated paraffin-based, emulsifiable oil stamping fluid that generated 35% scrap rate due to part cracking and eliminate secondary cleaning application.

IRMCO eliminated the need for chlorinated paraffin-based emulsifiable oil, eliminated part cracking, scoring, and eliminated the need for secondary cleaning application prior to shipping to customer.


  • Eliminated need for chlorinated paraffin-based stamping fluid.
  • Eliminated the need for secondary cleaning process – reducing production costs.
  • Optimized lubricant application – reducing applied amount by 25%.
  • Lowered use concentration by 10% over the competitive, oil-based product.

5182-0 temper, laminated, sound-dampened aluminum blanks – 0.078” (2.0mm) thickness.

Product Used
IRMCO FLUIDS® 080-00B @ 3:1 dilution ratio.

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